3409 N. 7th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85013

Our Services

We do not diagnose conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, or interfere with the treatment of licensed medical professional. Our miracle meditations do not take the place of medical care, but compliment any medical or psychological care you may be receiving. Below, we go into some of the spiritual contributors to conditions that some of our clients have had successful relief with.


Parkinson's is actually a class of foreign consciousness that connects to the human body. These beings are similar to energetic parasites that degrade the neuromuscular systems in the body as it grows in the body. Our sessions can help to mitigate the symptoms over time, but a degree of symbiosis is produced between the individual and the parkinson's entity, making ongoing meditation sessions necessary, as the parasite will try to keep returning.


Alzheimer's and Dementia are the result of a person subconsciously deciding that they have fulfilled their purpose for being here and feel called home by God. This decision is usually made several years or some period of time before the symptoms begin to appear. As the person's spirit begins to loosen and leave the confines of the body, the symptoms begin. As the disease progresses, the spirit floats further and further away from the body, causing the memory loss, lack of iniative/drive, and a general cognitive decline. Our meditations can only affect spirits that still have a connection to the body. Thus, some of our clients with Alzheimers have only felt a difference up to stage 5.


Cancer is caused by a buildup of emotional toxicity. Each organ that is affected correlates to a different type of negative emotion builup or accumulation. Stomach deals with unprocessed anger. Lungs deal with holding onto guilt. The list continues. Because of the time of buildup greatly contributing to cancer condition, successful healing necessitates a change in thinking, creating self-supportive habits, and adopting stronger boundaries. We only provide miracle meditations for adults with terminal cancer.


Most people will find it hard to believe that lupus is caused by a type of possessing spirit that comes and goes. As the spirit recedes from the forefront, the symptoms supside. Flareups are indications of when the spirit moves further into the body. The body was only meant to sustain one spirit at a time. Having more than one presence in the body drains the physical lifeforce very quickly and manifests as a variety of symptoms in an episode/flareup. Due to the prolonged nature of the illness, ongoing meditation sessions may be necessary.

Mystery Illness

Interactions with the unseen spiritual world happen multiple times a day, every day. We come across spirit guardians, hauntings, time loops, portals, curses, and more. Unfortunately, most of us have never been taught proper spiritual etiquette and our lack of boundaries can create issues that manifest as illness, body aches, or bouts of pain that come and go. Some of the common symtpoms are migraines, itermittent/roaming pains, night sweats, severe bouts of dehydration, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, Lyme Disesase, Tachycardia, unexplained shortness of breath, waking up with bruises and/or scratches, and injuries that will not heal.

Total Life Transformation (TLT Resonance) Service

This is a process that shields a person from anxiety and stress and grounds their energy while creating inner upliftment. The shift from this happens in mere minutes and is a game changer in curbing cravings and creating a desire for healthier dietary changes, which can jumpstart fitness efforts, all the while increasing self-confidence and will-power. All of these results occur in tandem with a growing sense of calm and inner peace that comes over a person. For the Life Transformation energy service, Joseph charges $300 monthly, with the first month serving as a free introduction to the experience.


All sessions are conducted without physical touch. Whether in-person, or via video conference, the process is the same. Joseph will ask the person a few questions about their condition and access the spiritual health of the indidvidual. He will then determine if he can assist, and if so, will begin decoding and repairing the spiritual imabalances.  Sessions usually only take a few minutes to complete.

Results vary based on a number of factors like how long the issue has been present and it’s intensity. Things to also consider is if the condition is the result of sudden psychic trauma or an accumulation of years of emotional toxicity. Conditions that have been present for longer periods of time, may require more than one session, as the spirit has to be trained to let go of the diseased state as normal and accept the new paradigm of wellness.

Conditions like Alzheimers/Dementia can only be addressed once. The person must be between stages 3 – 5, for any spiritual effect, too early or too late will negate any results. For other conditions, in cases where repeated negative exposure has led to an accumulation of symptoms, multiple or ongoing sessions may be necessary until the client learns how to make full lifestyle changes to support their wellness.

Our TLT program connects the individual to an Atlantean source energetic frequency that attunes them to a state of spiritual wellness where the effects of stress are lessened. The service can also increase the desire for healthy eating, decreased emotional food cravings, and reaching a healthier weight. Because resonances fade over time as a person interacts with life, the service needs to be renewed monthly to stay at peak level.

Yes. We prefer to partner with local religious and spiritual organizations or spiritual centers to offer group session work. Once a month, we also host a limited number of free slots to the public on video conference. Please contact us to find out more. However, our TLT service can be done via individual video-conference sessions.

We do not cause the outcome, we merely are a spiritual mediator for God to work through. God, the Universe, Source, whatever you want to call it does not require our beliefs to operate.  Chronic and mystery illness usually has a root cause from a lack of spiritual etiquette in life experiences that we address as a spiritual mediator.  We believe that living from a Christ heart-centered focus enables us to be a vessel for God to channel through, enabling these miraculous healings to occur.  The degree of healing that takes place is a process between the client’s own spirit and God-source. We welcome people from all faith backgrounds and the largest skeptics to try the process out for themselves. Even for those without degenerative disease, the TLT service will make a noticeable difference in day-to-day life quality and internal peace. As they say, the results will speak for themselves.

The short answer is that he is not. Joseph will tell you that he in fact is “Just a guy.” Through his spiritual apprenticeships, he learned the process of spiritual discernment and accessing mutliple resonant frequencies for healing, in particular the Atlantean resonances. He utilizes the spiritual sciences he was exposed to for the benefit of the planet. In fact, Joseph currently teaches and works with a select group of students who have chosen to likewise dedicate themselves to activating their Christ-heart and being a vessel for God to work through. The total process is life-changing and take about a decade to get through.

We consider it a blessing to work with each person who crosses our path for healing. If you found the services made a difference in your life and you wish to pay it forward or participate more in our mission, you can make a tax deductible donation to our non-profit organization, 9GRD. 9GRD is our organization that focuses on teaching the techniques and educating students on how to make incredible change for themselves. For more information, visit 9GRD.org.

Get More Information or Book A Service

Fill in the form below to let us know which service you are interested in or to get your questions answered.

If you are also interested in hosting a group healing or class at your congregation or center, let us know.